Written by: Mike in DA
Date posted: 9/30/2010
Here is what they’ve been saying about local sports talkers. Names have been withheld to protect the innocent:
“How about adding another sports station. It would be welcomed by me, if it is truly a sports station - no immature discussions about movies, music, or their "stars", ramblings of juvenile sexual innuendo, or other non-sports related "filler". It would be welcomed if the talking heads don't scream, talk over each other, and are not rude to callers; and especially welcomed if the hosts had knowledge of sports that went back farther than the past five years.”
“People act like since they listen to talk radio and talk sports with their friends that they can do talk radio. It’s not as easy as it seems.”
“XM radio is looking better and better right about now.”
“If CP couldn’t make 790 successful, did Granato think he could do much better with 1560. To John’s credit, only he would put up with Lance's constant throat clearing and his excessive talking over guests.”
“I find some of the criticism, interesting to say the least. If you cannot figure out a way to express your displeasure with a host without having to make personal insults, then there is a good reason why you are a plumber or an accountant and frustrated that a particular host has your dream job.”
“The only thing remotely worth listening to on 1560 is John and Lance. But it is ruined whenever they have Richard Justice on to spew his liberal political agenda and pump up his own newspaper articles and blogs.”
”I prefer to listen to ESPN Radio. At least when you get to hear Mike and Mike and Colin Cowherd, they cover all sorts of topics and teams from all over the country. I cannot stand to listen to another local sports program that endlessly circles through the Texans, the Rockets, and the Astros. But then, to hear the local idiots who call in, apparently only to hear themselves on the radio, makes me turn it off every time! How about a little intelligence with your sports radio?”
“Glad to have Travis (Rodgers) aboard 1560, but I miss Hoffy. He was a change up to the rest of the station programming which I like. All they need to do is dump Raheel to some teen pop FM station, where his hijinks and 'humor' would be better suited.”
"I see that Sporting News Radio moved here from Santa Monica. Gee, the crew must have loved that and to compound that, they found out they would be working with KGOW, the epitome of class and professionalism."
“These people that complain that Lance talks too much about non-sports subjects make me curious. Do they just listen and when a sentence doesn’t contain the word "ball", do they turn the station? I was a loyal listener and they would go on a tangent every now and then, but it would last 5 minutes at the most and they were few and far between. Besides with the Astros not playing less than stellar, a conversation about the Sopranos or XBox should be tolerable.”
“How does Josh Anus stay employed, much less get a gig on Rome's show? He's horrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrible.”
"Lance Zierlein does an Elmer Fudd impersonation that is supposed to be Lou Holtz and an imaginary SEC guy, which is so unimaginative and played out it is sad to hear at this point. Thank God, John Granato doesn't do impressions; but he'll clown."
“It's just amazing that a market as big as Houston has such lousy local talent except for Charlie Pallilo. It's impossible to listen to 1560. Granato can't speak in complete sentences and Lance is more interested in a stand-up career. The only good thing about Lopez and Vandermeer and Jackson and Wexler is that they aren't John and Lance.”
“I'm not surprised 97.5 was winning mornings over 610 snooze radio. The lady calling out orders at the waffle house offers more excitement and information than those 610 sloths.”
“Sporting News' programming is good. I miss hearing the beginning of Todd Wright.That new show that 1560 has on with those two clowns in the evening is terrible.”
In the 9/29 Peanut Gallery, I incorrectly credited Matt Thomas with a flub during Tuesday night’s Astro Post-Game Show on KTRK (740). I thought that he was talking about the Astros’ road record, but Matt brought to my attention that he was actually talking about the Pittsburgh Pirates road record, so I retracted that flub and cleaned the wax out of my ear. “My bad” as young people say.
Speaking of Matt, his “Believe It or Not” segment on his afternoon show (Noon – 3 PM daily on Sports Talk 790) is one of the few “gimmick” segments on local sports talk that I actually look forward to (approximately 2:50 PM daily). For those not familiar with it, Matt picks out a subject that is currently in the sports news and asks callers to call in to win a small prize, if they can correctly answer “Believe It” or “Not” to each of three consecutive statements that he makes about the day’s subject. He usually has 15 statements in his arsenal and I play along in my mind if I’m listening.
During Wednesday’s "Believe It or Not" segment, the subject was the "Reds" who clinched the NL Central the night before, therefore every statement dealt with the "Reds" in some form or other. One of Matt's statements was about Billy Hatcher’s (currently a Reds' coach) homerun in Game 6 of the 1986 NL Championship Series between the Astros and Mets. Matt went on to say the homer was off Jesse Orosco and that Jesse pitched three innings in that game. However, Matt said Orosco was credited with the “Save” when he actually got the “Win”. Since I cleaned the wax out of my ears, I’m sure I heard that one correctly.
Perhaps the idea of the post-game news conference by coaches/managers has run its course. Is there really a need to have one of these things after every game in every major sport. Maybe the coaches/managers have run out of things to say; and in their quest for new material, they go off into an oratorical wasteland. For example, after a Yankee game last week, manager Joe Girardi was talking about the Yankees and their position in the AL East pennant race and the playoffs: “Our destiny is in front of us.”
Thank you for your insight, Joe. It is difficult to imagine how one’s destiny can be behind oneself. The coaches and managers repeat the same lines and clichés, over and over. This is a problem with all sports coaches. The interviewers very rarely ask a difficult question or an interesting question for that matter. It's time to dump these daily post-game conferences, which are basically a waste of time. Coaches talk, but they usually say nothing new.
Here is the third part of the “Longhorn” Scott vs. Dale (PG August "Caller of the Month") trilogy from the John and Lance Morning Show on 1560 KGOW from April 19. It runs about ten minutes (
As mentioned here last week, this past weekend, four NFL teams changed QBs. The Bills, Panthers, and my Raiders changed from their #1 QB at the start of the season to the guy that was #2 on their roster just two weeks before. The Eagles sort of switched QBs when Andy Reid changed his mind in mid-week about who would start the game on Sunday. Of those four teams, only the Eagles won last weekend. And therein lies a lesson.
That lesson is that talent wins in the NFL more often than not. The four QBs who were inserted into last week’s games were Ryan Fitzpatrick, Jimmy Clausen, Bruce Gradkowski, and Michael Vick. Who is the most talented QB of that group in September 2010? You don’t have to be a Nobel Prize winner to answer this question. The answer is very obvious. Changing players for the sake of change rarely produces a major change in the direction of a team.
I repeat, "Talent wins in the NFL more often than not." Take the four QBs listed above out of consideration for just a moment and look at the rest of the rosters of the four teams mentioned. If you were a new NFL owner and had the choice of taking over any of the four teams with the players on their roster tomorrow, which team would you pick? If you answered a team other than the Eagles, then you may need directions on how to turn a door knob.
Middle linebacker DeMeco Ryans talked to students on Tuesday (9/28) at Pershing Middle School at a "pep" rally to “Fuel Up to Play 60”. His speech centered on eating healthy and being active for 60 minutes each day.
Then that evening, QB Matt Schaub and fullback Vonta Leach showed up at a Whataburger in Katy from 6 – 7 PM to sign autographs and pose for pictures.
So after your kid learned how to eat healthy at school in the morning, you could have taken him/her to Whataburger to meet Schaub and Leach and then treat the kid(s) to hamburgers, fries, and a Coke.
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