Written By: Lamont Mann
People really do not understand the work attributed to HMW. I would not be a part of HMW if it was not objective or fair. We pride ourselves on delivering our takes in a print format that the radio personalities forbid to be said on air. For the most part, if I feel uneasy about printing something, I will solicit the advice from my counterparts. I think I have like a 93% accuracy rating partly because it's subjective but if I instruct you to do something, you best believe it's proven.
I like John Lopez to a certain degree because he keeps it "one hunded" for the most part but lately he has been instructing his listening audience to go do a Google search on Leinart, Manning, Brady, Brees. From this Google search this should tell you all you need to know about Leinart. Of course since I am a radio freak, I did that just. It is John's contentions you will see pics of Leinart with beer bongs, girls, and many of non football related items whereas the other 3 QBs are more football related. That's completely fair and on the surface I would concur but I actually wanted to take John up on this little project.
Here are a few things to keep in mind:
- Leinart graduated in the digital imaging era (phone, cameras)
- Drew Brees just won the Super Bowl
- If Peyton had any wild parties in the later years of college or earlier years in the NFL, I am sure the pics are not of the quality you could get with a Cricket phone these days.
- Should I do a Google search on President Obama or Bush and let that be story of relevance
- in the tech world theirs a thing called "screen resolution". If you are using a laptop which I am sure Jlo is using in studio chances are you will receive less pics
I don't have any position on Leinart because it's too early but I wanted to follow the directions of "MR ME". He said the first page of an image search will tell you all you need to know. I did the search and purposely captured a portion of page 2 show that I was in fact looking at page 1 and I also have the search box. Let's see what the query yield .
Peyton Manning
So far it appears John Lopez is one for one. It appears the majority of Peyton's first page pics are football related. The first page is composed of 29 images with 24 football related, what are we talking 83%? Go John Go John.
Drew Brees
Look at John, 2 for 2. I have no need of doing the math because it's laced with Drew as John stated.
Matt Leinart
OK, John may be on to something here. There do seem to an abundance of non football related pics. I would go as far to say better than half.
Tom Brady
Skurrrrrr holdem up nah John, this is a 3 time Super Bowl winning QB. It looks like more than half of his pics are also non football related.
As stated before, I don't have feelings for Leinart as of now but he is a Texan and I drink the coolaid from time to time. I also understand the message John Lopez is trying to convey with the pics of Leinart. The pics are would dictate that his attention is elsewhere. Lets put this in perspective, Matt by all accounts could probably be some kind of model as would be Brady. Women freaking like him, hell don't hate, congratulate. I am guessing Tom Brady is not dedicated as well, he seem to have plenty of non football related pics. Next John will be telling us to Google search Namoth in the 70s. I am guessing a Google search of Joe Namoth would tell me this dude is a lil fruity with panty hose on. I am not trying to say John is wrong however this is a talking point that I have heard by the national media. It's not original by no means and just to tip the scales, let me add one more QB that everyone is thinking will deliver a Championship soon.
Once we as fans get wrapped up in these guy's personal lives we lose the love of the sport. Big whoop that Leinart have fun, I am sure Joe Namoth will give him some tips.
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