Written by: Lamont Mann
Sunday evening I was listening Nuno and Raheel 1560 AM therefore when I woke up this morning, the radio was already on 1560 AM. I consciencely made the decision to change the station to Hollywood 610 AM. The first person I heard was Marc speaking like we just concurred "Atlantis". I have no problem with Marc but his ass kissing of the Texans is freaking annoying. I listened about 23 because I was on the shitter with no way of turning the channel. In the words of Kubiak, IT'S ALL ON ME. That's my fault for breaking my own rules.
Lamont's Rule #6
Do not listen to Marc Vandermeer Show on Mondays during football season because you will receive the biggest load of hogwash you have ever heard. He makes a slimy car salesman seem like a damn saint.
Monday Morning Coverage (610, 790, 1560)
Hollywood 610
As stated earlier, I rarely listen to Marc on Mondays because if it's a loss he will sell it as a win and if the Texans win he will make it seem like 70s Steelers. It was really strange listening to Marc and JLO this morning because the mood was festive. The mood was more like 4-2 going into the by week and I want to say I think I even heard a promo for 4-2 going in to the by week. To JLO's credit he tries to point out his concerns in regards to the Texans but Hollywood 610 aint going for that. It's PARTY TIME BABY, 4-2. I have a special treat for Hollywood 610 at this end of this article. We are not stupid we don't expect Marc nor Rich to bash the Texans but we don't expect 610 to feed us this bologna as if life is wonderful. I am going to lump McClain in with 610 because he's the main one. I simply think The General's profession crosses boundaries. If I actually knew what he was I wouldn't be as critical, are you a Columnist, beat writer, blogger etc. Some times when I am listening to Hollywood 610 I feel like I am the only sane person refusing to drink the COOLAID @ Jim Jones Paradise.
790 AM & 1560 AM
I tuned into 790 AM and these guys had more of a realistic approach including the callers. Matt and Adam both recognized the win for what it was but they did not sugar coat what their eyes witnessed. Matt Jackson flat out called Kareem Jackson bad. This is very odd because everyone know Matt is an SEC diehard. The callers were much like myself, very concerned and demanding accountability.
After listening to Matt and Adam for an hour, I tuned in 1560 AM. I got word that Lance and John were having one of the old school fights on air. When these guys are at odds you know you are in for some good radio. Like 790 AM, 1560 AM had more of a realistic view of the Texans. In other words, they were not acting as if we just won the Super Bowl. During my listen, Titan Rick called the guys to express his sympathies for Demeco Ryans while noting that we are really going to lose now. Titan Rick did what Titan Rick does. Lance and John didn't like his negativity as they brought on Larry N Stafford who do what he do. Titan Rick took a shot at Larry so Larry took a shot back by saying everything is going to be proven when the Titans and Texans play. Lance and John was more receptive to Larry's call. The next call may have been one of the funniest calls this year. I do not know the gentleman's name but he was mad at the Texans and he dropped about 23 sucks in his. Kubiak SUCK, Bush SUCKS, the defensive scheme SUCKS. LOL, after the guy hung up, Lance says "it was a lot of sucking in that call".
All in all, today was the most depressing day after a win I can think of. I feel Hollywood 610 will not give you the real deal when it comes to the Texans. It's no fault of theres, it's simply the cost of doing business with the Texans. I am not neccessarily saying the competing stations are so forth coming either. I believe they try to paint rosie pictures when need be because the worse thing for radio is an apathetic fan base so they have stakes in keeping everyone interested in the Texans or any local team for that matter. The difference is, when you have an obvious problem like the Texans defense, you don't hear 790 or 1560 making it sound like we have 84 Bears Defense.
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