You pay the advertised Country Calling Package price or the advertised Pay As You Go price with Nymgo. And that's all you pay.
Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) software is a growing industry for many companies around the world looking to allow people to quickly and easily connect to people around the world through their computer. With free calls between computers and low rates on calls made from a computer directly to a phone line, VOIP communication is a quick, ,cheap and effective way to connect to virtually any country in the world without the need for a special telephone plan that can be more trouble than it's worth in the long run.
One such company that is offering exception VOIP service on the market today is known as "Nymgo". Working hard to provide the lowest cost possible for internet users, Nymgo is regularly striving to drive down its overall computer-to-phone charges that consumers have to pay to keep in touch with those around them. This means that Nymgo users can pay as they go to land lines and mobile phones around the world for as little as $0.011 a minute and be sure that they will have the best rates possible at all times.
The great thing about VOIP as well is that it doesn't matter where you are calling from - simply where you are calling to. This means that if you're sitting at your home in New York or traveling halfway around the world in China you can make the same low cost phone calls everywhere you may be. That means there's no need to worry about complex calling charts to manage your finances - simply put in a pre-paid amount and rest assured that you will be able to connect with your destination for the same low rate no matter your current location.
In the spirit of connecting the world to each other, Nymgo right now is also offering a great promotion. For all countries that are taking part in the 2010 World Cup customers are able to benefit from half price phone calls to those countries. This means that people can keep in touch and enjoy chatting with friends, family, coworkers or clients and share in the moments as their favorite team works its way towards victory in one of the biggest sports gatherings in the world. With low cost calls only a simple download away don't miss out on calling those you may feel hesitant about contacting otherwise, as even $10 will provide you with up to 15 hours of talk time no matter where you may be right now.
Developer Splendor Telecom
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