Red M & M character on right shoulder.
3 different coloured stars on left shoulder.
5 stars on right shoulder.
Spongebob Square Pants on right outer bicep.
Small red heart on left shoulder.
Simpson cartoon version of himself on left outer bicep.
Simple portrait of his 2 dogs on left shoulder.
"oui" on right upper forearm.
"lui" on left upper forearm.
"Shameless" on left upper chest.
"Bros Before Hos" on left outer wrist.
Scene from Poltergeist on upper back.
"Perfect" on right inner wrist.
Outline of a midcentury style couch above right hip.
Clyde Frog,the stuffed toy of Southpark's Eric Cartman.
Couple of bears above right elbow.
Letter "J" on left lower hip.
Chocolate bunny on left outer ankle.
Iced donut around left elbow.
PB/BB above right elbow.
"George and Martha" a nod to "Who's Afraid of Virginia Wolf" on right upper arm.
Screaming woman wearing 3D glasses on left inner arm.
pin up style girl with text behind left arm.
"I really have a good attitude about tattooing. When I first got one, two years ago, I was like, I'm not going to overthink this or what it means, or what it's going to be like when I'm 80. I want to get tattooed today, and in five weeks, I'll get a Sponge Bob tattoo. Will I regret it someday? I don't know, but I'm not going to deny myself this pleasure today because of what I don't know in the future."
About his "shameless" chest tattoo Jacobs says. "That's what I think everyone should aspire to in life: being shameless.
On his "perfect" tattoo - I put it there to remind me, for when I'm looking at myself and wishing that I could be stronger in this way or better at that thing, and I can just go, "No. I'm exactly how I need to be."
"Well I have a lot of tattoos. My first tattoo I had when I was a teenager was just a little heart. I am very friendly with a great artist Scott Campbell and I started going to him to get tattoos. I'm very spontaneous about what I get. There is a story behind each one of them but they were all very spontaneous thoughts. They are permanent but I don't give it that kind of importance. They are just things I felt like doing at that time - if anything they are like my diary of where I was at that particular moment and there was a reason for each one."

Most of Marc Jacob's tattoos done by Scott Campbell.
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