Written by: Mike in DA
Date posted: 12/30/2010
When the NFL announced the flex games for Week 17, the results aren't pretty for fans of Sunday Night Football. While it is the only division title game in Week 17, I don't know of anyone that would want to sit down and watch Rams-Seahawks in the final game of the regular season in primetime except for fans of those two teams and people who have wagers on the game.
I can't imagine why the NFL and NBC would want to showcase the worst division in NFL history with a primetime game in Week 17, even with a playoff spot up for grabs. Why not show the game's best rivalry and a game with huge playoff implications in the Bears and Packers?
Why showcase two teams that have drawn the scorn and mockery of the nation? Teams from the NFC West are -322 point differential against the rest of the league with a 13-27 record outside the division.
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The Seahawks Messiah? |

It could be an ugly game, but since the Crier has action on the game, expect some of the Peanut Gallery faithful to be tuned in.
While people have focused on the miserable state of the NFC West this season, somehow it seems to have taken some of the focus off of the miserable performance put in by the San Diego Chargers this season.
For much of the year, the Chargers had the top ranked offense plus the top-ranked defense in the NFL. As of today, the Chargers still have the top-ranked defense and offense in the NFL. With those rankings, the Chargers were eliminated from the playoffs last weekend when they lost to the Cincy Bengals who came into the game with a 3-11 record.
It ought to be interesting to see if Norv Turner can survive that. You may remember that he got the job after Marty Schottenheimer was fired for going 14-2 in the regular season and then losing a first-round playoff game.

“We are monsters of mediocrity Sean...I am worn out from this dismal season...the Texans did not represent...they went through the motions and for me that behavior is unacceptable....the coaching was uninspired and play on the field was sporadic at best...I don't understand not being ready to play week-in and and week-out, let alone giving up three hundred yards to Tim Tebow, heck maybe he is "Touchdown Jesus" in the flesh... Lol.” END.
Earlis commented on the 12/27 re-post, “RE-POST WHO ARE THESE CLOWNS? - MIKE IN DA - JUNE ...": (
“…I did hear that show Mike and first I thought they were just having fun with you why white men can't jump then I realized these guys were three short of a six pack regarding sports knowledge...” END.
Thomas and "badweatherman" left comments on Craig Shelton’s post of 12/28, "MARCH ON RELIANT?" (
“Oh man, good one Bob McNair. You almost had me fooled. I was initially outraged when I read on message boards of (Barry) Warner's inside info of leading candidates to replace Kubiak. I actually said to myself "I rather keep Kubiak if those are our choices."
I then went on SR610's website and listened to the podcast of the Eric Winston show. During the 2-minute-drill segment, they played nothing but pro-Kubiak calls. I understand that SR610 and the Houston Texans are in bed together, but they don't need to insult our intelligence like that. You have to be living on Mars not to know that the overwhelming majority of the Texans fan base wants Kubiak gone. Yet they want us to believe that it’s closer to 50-50 on whether to fire Kubiak.
After listening to that and reading your post on here, it’s pretty obvious the Texans leaked that list to SR610 to try to soften the fans' opinion on Kubiak. They are planning to keep him and are already in damage control mode.
Well played Bob, you almost had me.” - from Thomas. END.
"Great post as always. Yes, Big Bob (McNair) is probably trying to butter us all up for the disappointment that will be the retaining of Kubiak and (Rick) Smith. Frankly, I would be okay with Smith getting the axe and Kubiak being retained - the problem with this team is personnel first, then coaching. That is not to excuse the poor job that Frank Bush has done. This team flat out sucks on D. However, let’s look at the other facts of this team that have fallen off: the O line and Matt Schaub. Eric Winston and Duane Brown have been inept at their positions. This team has no leadership that comes from the line. Strong personalities (or radio personalities for that matter) do not equate with leadership. Wade Smith and (Antoine) Caldwell have done a decent job this year, but the tackles and the center flat out suck. There is no way that the job (Arian) Foster and (Vonta) Leech have done can be minimized. Congrats to them!
I also think that we will find out that (Matt) Schaub has been playing hurt this year. His throwing motion is not as sound as it was last year, and he has lost the zip that he had last year. It would not surprise me to find out that he has some sort of arm issue that will have to be addressed this offseason. I can live with Schaub for another season or two. Far too many other issues for this team to address.
My picks for a new GM would be Omar Khan from Pittsburgh or Reggie McKenzie from Green Bay. Both guys have spent time as integral parts of organizations that can find talent. The new GM should be in charge of hiring the new DC. Kubiak can not scout talent, and he sure as hell can't coach defense (or hire a decent DC). I think that Gary would flourish in a "less is more" environment.
Please Bob - hear the fans. Let's get this right." - from "badweatherman". END.
Earlis and Michael both left comments on Lamont Mann’s post of 12/29, "LANCE ZIERLEIN BELIEVED BARRY WARNER "GRAND STAND"..." (
“(Richard) Justice hated Cecil (Cooper) with passion and the feeling was most likely mutual...the thing with Justice is he has a thin skin and a phat ego... he did a good job with Yates (High School) when very few took the time to get the real story and I have to respect him for that. As to Cooper, Justice was on the team of sports journalist hell bent on running Cecil out of town. Of course, some of that is Coop's fault, as he is not a charming personality and very hard headed..hmmm we could be he looks more like Ralph (Cooper). Maybe I misunderstood, but my impression is Justice said he had no problem with Cecil and everybody knows they could not stand each other and that's ok, but if Richard will not own up to that I find that disappointing.” - from Earlis. END.
“That's twice you've put that picture up of "NOT Barry Warner" with the thumbs up. That dude has hair. You need to sharpen your google image skills. I like your blog, but I'm just a stickler for details. Keep up the good work.” – from Michael. END.
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I'm Barry Warner. |
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Bullshit! I'm Barry Warner. I am the "GREATEST". |
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Barry #2 in 1969 |

You know how Barry thinks of himself as “The Greatest”, but like Ali, he never served in the military. So a while back, I selected a picture of Specialist Barry Warner who served as a door gunner with the 2nd Airlift Platoon - 187th Assault Helicopter Company in Nam back in 1969-70. This would complete “our” Barry as a “great American” just like his friend, George W. Bush. I used that picture several times and it is in our “image library” and Lamont apparently used it, but since has taken it down and replaced it with a picture of the obnoxious Barry.
The next time Barry is asking for topics for his nightly “bedtime story”, ask him to tell how he lucked out of the draft in the late 1960’s.
Please see the above pictures of the two Barrys, including Barry #2, as he looked in 1969. Barry #2 will be at the 187th’s annual reunion from November 10-13, 2011, at the Island House Hotel in Orange Beach, AL, a short ride from Pensacola, FL, just in case you want to meet him.
And Michael, if you're such a stickler for details as you say you are, then you know how inaccurate a lot of our sports talk hosts are as far as their sports history knowledge is concerned, especially the younger guys at SR610. Send the "flubs" that you hear to and it will be put in the "Comments from the Peanut Gallery". That will be the real test of how good a stickler for details that you are. This is my challenge to you!
Last week, Fred Foy, passed away. If that name is not immediately familiar to you, he was a radio announcer in the “golden days of radio” and what are probably his most famous lines from radio found their way onto early television. If you are about my age or older, you may remember:
“A fiery horse with the speed of light, a cloud of dust and a hearty hi-yo Silver - - the Lone Ranger! With his faithful Indian companion, Tonto, the daring and resourceful masked rider of the plains led the fight for law and order in the early Western United States. Nowhere in the pages of history can one find a greater champion of justice.
Return with us now to those thrilling days of yesteryear. From out of the past come the thundering hoofbeats of the great horse Silver. The Lone Ranger rides again!” END.
Return with us now to those thrilling days of yesteryear. From out of the past come the thundering hoofbeats of the great horse Silver. The Lone Ranger rides again!” END.
We still have a long way to go in the current bowl season! Don’t you love it? Why would people want to ruin all this with a championship playoff system? College Football has eleven (11) conferences (and three Independents), all run as separate business entities! You can’t have a national champion when there are 11 different conferences in business!
MLB has two “leagues,” under one corporate umbrella. The NFL has two “conferences,” under one corporate umbrella. The NBA has two conferences, under one corporate umbrella. College Basketball has the NCAA Tournament because the sport can be played indoors, by a group of teams, several games each on a weekend.
College Football? Eleven different conferences! Why do they even need to “crown” one champion? They already have 11 of them by the beginning of December. The more, the merrier! Just because other sports do it, College Football – configured completely different - has to do it? I don’t think so.
I remember when Arizona played Kentucky for the national championship in College Basketball in 1997. The game went into overtime, and I was thinking, “Why are they bothering? Why don’t they just bring the teams to center court, and hold up the hand of both coaches, and tell them, 'Congratulations, you’re co-champions of College Hoops this year.'”
After four-and-a-half months, the last two teams could not be separated at the end of 40 minutes. Doesn’t this tell you something? They’re even! Sure, somebody will score at least one more point than the other in the next five minutes of overtime, but what will that prove? Nothing!
For the three years that Ken Hoffman worked for KGOW 1560, on the station’s website, in the biography section, it said that Ken’s bio would appear shortly. Earlier this year, I said that Ken would most likely be gone from the station before his brief bio would appear on the website. Well, I was right. He was gone before his bio appeared.
Obviously, 1560 doesn’t care too much about updating the biographies of its employees. For instance, in David Nuno’s brief bio, we know that David and Elizabeth Nuno have two dogs, Barkley and Havana, but nowhere is there any mention of their twin boys, Chris and Cruz, who will be two-years-old on their next birthday.
Lance Zierlein’s wife, Nicole, gave birth to a daughter, Marianna, on December 17 or thereabouts. I wonder how long it will be before mention of Marianna will be included in Lance’s brief bio. By the way, Lance’s youngest son, Sebastian, is amazing. In Lance's bio, it says Sebastian is six months old. I saw him last week and he walks better than me already. That is impressive. Either that or the bio is partially out-of-date.TURNOVER FREE!
The New England Patriots have played 15 games this season. In 11 of those games they have not committed a turnover. They have played the last seven consecutive games “turnover-free”. Tom Brady’s last interception came about two months ago. If the Pats can avoid committing four turnovers in this week’s final game vs. Miami, they will set an NFL record for fewest turnovers in a season. So far, the Pats have nine (9); the record set in 2008 by the Dolphins and the Giants is thirteen (13).
The following is from today's guest blogger, Jack Finarelli:
"The sand in "Father Time’s" hourglass for 2010 is running low. God-willing, we will all begin another journey around the sun very soon. However, some folks will not be joining us for that excursion because they shuffled off during 2010. Let's remember some of them:
Steve “Dr. Death” Williams, professional wrestler, lost a “loser leaves the planet match”.
Rory Markus, Angels’ radio announcer, had his mic turned off.
Gaines Adams rushed the passer for the last time.
Bobby Bragan began arguing with umpires in the CBL (Cosmic Baseball League for the acronym-challenged).
Tom Brookshier covered his last post pattern.
Wrestler, Jack Brisco, applied his final hammerlock.
Dick McGuire reunited with his brother, Al, and started playing games of HORSE in Heaven.
Pro Football Hall of Famer “Bullet” Bill Dudley ran his last option play.
Former Knick, Carl Braun, swished his final two-hand over-the-back-of-his-head set shot.
Fred Morrison, inventor of the Frisbee, glided onto another plane of existence.
Coach Dana Kirk forfeited a Final Four appearance in the CCBT (Cosmic Collegiate Basketball Tournament for the acronym-challenged).
Pitcher Jim Bibby went to the showers.
RB Mosi Tutupu started covering kickoffs in the CFL (Celestial Football League for the acronym-challenged).
Outfielder Willie Davis stole his last base.
Merlin Olsen sacked his final QB. (Does Father Murphy get special treatment in Heaven?)
"Baron" Mikel Scicluna, professional wrestler, was disqualified for bringing a foreign object with him to the Pearly Gates.
Chet Simmons added ESPN to his CCN (Celestial Cable Network for the acronym-challenged) package.
Mike Cuellar threw his final screwball.
Boxing ref, Arthur Mercante, took a ten-count instead of administering one.
Horse racing legend, Personal Ensign, munched its final nosebag.
Baseball announcer, Ernie Harwell, called his final terrestrial baseball game.
Robin Roberts served up his final “gopher ball”.
Sportswriter, Ron Fimrite, sent his final column to the copy editor.
Chicago Bear Hall of Famer, Stan Jones, led his final power sweep.
José Lima saw the end of “Lima Time”.
John Wooden took over Heaven’s college basketball team.
College basketball legend, Tom Stith, sank his last layup.
Manute Bol took his final charging foul.
Don Coryell took his “Air Coryell” playbook waaay up in the air.
Jockey legend, Johnny Sellers, became eligible to ride in the Cosmic Triple Crown races.
Hockey player, Bob Probert, went to the eternal penalty box.
George Steinbrenner immediately fired Billy Martin in the afterlife and then quickly rehired him.
Ralph Houk got the hook from God.
Jack Tatum, aka "The Assassin", became a victim of the ultimate assassin, "The Grim Reaper".
Billy Loes walked his final batter.
Gary “Big Hands” Johnson stuffed his final running play.
Lance Cade lost his final wrestling match to "The Grim Reaper".
Bobby Thomson’s "shot heard round the world" became audible in Heaven.
Former Olympian, Harold "Hal" Connolly, threw his final hammer on Earth and began working out with Thor - God of Thunder.
Umpire “Satch” Davidson called his final third strike.
Ron Kramer started catching passes in the CFL (Celestial Football League).
George Blanda started playing QB for the real “Over The Hill Gang”.
Cal McLish – full name Calvin Coolidge Julius Caesar Tuskahoma McLish – gave up his final home run.
Paul, the World Cup predicting octopus, became sushi.
Pro surfer, Andy Irons, took his search for the perfect wave to the cosmos.
Maurice Lucas became "The Heavenly Enforcer".
Edouard “The Flying Frenchman” Carpentier booked himself to wrestle "Strangler" Lewis.
Sparky Anderson began his quest to be the first person to win a championship in the National, American, and Cosmic League.
Baseball announcer, Dave Niehaus, called his final “Grand Salami”.
Tom Underwood gave up his final grand slam.
Gil McDougald turned his final double play.
Ron Santo took a called strike three.
Philly sportswriter, Phil Jasner, filed his last game report.
“Dandy” Don Meredith turned out the lights for the last time.
Basketball coach, Hank Raymonds, took his final timeout.
Bob Feller got ready to pitch to Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig, Roberto Clemente, and Jackie Robinson. END.
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