There is nothing like a media "cat fight". Lance Z vs "B Dub". This was better than Bill O'Reilly barbecuing Wolf Blitzer and the whole team from MSNBC.
Tuesday Lance Zierlein was in studio with Richard Justice. Lance believed that Barry Warner's question to Gary Kubiak during the press conference was "Grand Standing". Lance went on to explain, he have no issue with Barry or any other media professional being aggressive in their own forum but the press conference is not the place for it. He felt that Barry's question was disrespectful and "over the top". In addition to Lance not feeling Barry's question, I did learn, Lance and Matt Thomas intern for Barry Warner.
I was listening to Lance rip Barry's question as if it was the most horrendous thing he'd ever witnessed. Lance was doing what Lance do with his impersonation of the replies he would have given Barry if he was Kubiak and yes it was hilarious. After the laughter wore off, I had to call Lance and let him know I disagreed. I told Lance, if he thought Barry's question was over the top then he's correct, Houston is a "soft market". I then followed the question up by asking, isn't it a little hypocritical that the man (Richard Justice) in studio with you was fierce towards Cecil Cooper (although I couldn't validate if this was the case in Press Conferences). All of a sudden Richard Justice tried to David Anderson me with the screaming and telling me what I can do. Once Richard raised his voice at me, I had to let him know I'm not his kid and he can kill all of that loud talk. All in all, it was a good call and Lance was cool the way he handled it, after all, the call was simply me pointing out Barry's question/statement to Kubes was baby food. As far as Richard, he cool to, but that screaming shid is for the birds lol and this is coming from a SCREAMER.
Barry Warner
Barry caught wind of people knocking his question to Gary therefore Barry set the record straight. A little detail Lance forgot to tell his audience, during the Texans Fan Feedback, a listener summoned Barry to ask a hard question, something different. Apparently the question asked was a question straight from a listener. The majority of the show was Barry defending his stance although he did throw a Jab. Barry said he believe 7 of their 14 listeners actually heard the show in the morning. Of course Barry had to let us know if we were on the East Coast, his question would have been mundane.

Richard Justice, I know in our back and forth, I said I would go seek out audio of you at Cecil Cooper's press conference, but the truth is, the Astros suck to me. I am just going to give you the win but I do remember your name always in the mix when it came to the people that despised Cecil. What forum was it in, I really don't know but between Bobby Z and Mike in DA, I am sure if you have said something bad about Cecil in an open forum, they would let me know. YOU WON
Barry was using his show as a platform and justifiably so he should but don't get it twisted. It is not like everyone had Barry's back or anything, it's simply saying Barry was not wrong for his question. Some may argue that it's unprofessional to ask a Head Coach a question from a fan. Personally, as a fan I wish he could have asked a question for me.
Lamont Mann
Email: houstonmediawatch@yahoo.com
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Lamont Mann
Email: houstonmediawatch@yahoo.com
Blog: http://www.houstonmediawatch.com/
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Facebook Search: HMW Shelton
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