Written by: Mike in DA
Date posted: 12/15/2010
Earlier this year, due to budget cuts, Channel 55 (KTBU aka “The Tube”) cancelled its weekly hour-long high school sports show, “High School Sports Live”, which aired for about ten years and was hosted by Todd Freed. (FYI - Channel 55 is owned by the Osteen Family.)
Well, there’s good news for high school sports fans, as Todd will return with his high school sports show in January on KUBE (Channel 57). The hour-long show will air on Sundays and hopefully, there will be a repeat of it on another day for those who missed it on Sunday.
It seems some of our sports talkers are having trouble with math. We know how bad Rich Lord is with his math and he readily will admit it, but Rhodes Scholar finalist, Charlie "The Abrasive One" Pallilo, on his Monday (12/13) afternoon show on Sports Talk 790 was trying to relate football stats with baseball stats and said one football game was the equivalent of 16 baseball games. Using my calculator 162 baseball games divided by 16 football games comes to around one football game for every ten baseball games, not sixteen.
In Tuesday's (12/14) Houston Chronicle on page A6, which was a continuation from the front page of his commentary on the latest Texans' loss, Jerome Solomon also had a math deficiency. He had a table showing the Texans history in December and January under Coach Gary Kubiak. From 2006 through 2010, he listed the Texans' home records as 2-1, 3-0, 3-0, 2-0, and 0-1 and Jerome's total for the five-year period was 10-1, not the 10-2 that I figured out on my super-duper calculator. As usual, I'm sure the reason for the flub is one of the following: (a) it was a typo; (b) it was bad proofreading; or (c) the paper had already gone to press when when it was caught.
The following is not a flub, but a disappointment for me. John Granato and Lance Zierlein have been long-time sports gamblers, and the question came up on Monday (12/13) morning's show on KGOW 1560, as to what happens if you bet on the Giants-Vikings game originally scheduled for this past Sunday and then was moved to Monday because of the winter storm in Minnesota that caused damage to the Metrodome. They had no clue. With all the wagering and trips to Las Vegas they have made in the past and with their connections with Vegas "handicappers", they should have known the answer right away.
The rule is that unless specifically noted before a football game (NFL or college), which is rare, all games must be played on the scheduled date and at the scheduled site to have action. And on a side note, for wagering purposes, a football game (NFL or college) becomes official after fifty-five (55) minutes of play. Games lasting under 55 minutes due to bad weather, death of a player, terrorist threat, power blackout at night, etc., constitute "No Action" or a "Push/Cancel" and all money is refunded.
Last Friday (10/11), it was mentioned on SR610 that Josh Innes would be teaming up on the SR610 Afternoon Show (2- 7 PM CT daily) with Rich Lord starting this week.
Here are some comments from the Peanut Gallery on that move. Names (actually e-mail addresses and nicknames) have been omitted to protect the innocent or guilty, as the case may be:
"I love reading the comment by Josh about how now he gets to work with the "most respected in the city" Rich Lord. WTF. The only reason people listen to Rich Lord is because of the "whiner line" and the extra content like sexy traffic and because 610 listeners are loyal and the production value is the best. Charlie (Pallilo) is amazingly better at actually analyzing and discussing SPORTS. If you are going to call a show with a question, Rich Lord is the last person in the city you want giving his opinion. He doesn't even give his opinion. He just repeats the question and then reminds you he's lost 187 lbs. I'm younger and I can only assume Innes is geared towards keeping me away from Charlie and the KGOW drive time. Not gonna happen. Charlie is phenomenal and knows his stuff. When draft time comes around it's KGOW time because they know what they are talking about.” END.
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Andre Ware |
“Somehow the content on our sports radio shows keeps declining. I'm dumbfounded. I am not a fan of Josh Innes and I can't imagine how anyone could be. He drags non-sports subjects on and interrupts too much, especially guests. He actually makes me appreciate hearing typical Aggie John Lopez speak because at least it means I don't have to hear Innes talk about how much he adores Cher for the 20th time. There is nothing worse than listening to a guy on the radio who isn't funny say the same thing over and over again. i.e., Jim Rome and John Granato. Somehow Innes convinces himself he is hilarious. His delusion is remarkable. "I went to two Cher concerts hahahahahahaha, I love Cher hahahahahaha, I know I'm a young dude, and I shouldn't like Cher but I do, isn't that so funny guys, hahahahahahahaha".” END.
“I've been an avid 610 listener for over a decade...I assure you I will not listen to Josh Anus in the afternoon. Enjoy Rich's (Lord) comments and I think Robert (Henslee) is an undervalued asset - respectful and knowledgeable and logical in a profession that sorely lacks all three. But if Anus goes to the afternoons, I'm going to Charlie Palillo.” END.
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Josh's Idol |
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Trupiano Then |
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Trupiano Now |
"Is there anyone who remembers Jerry Trupiano and John Breen? They were professionals: talked about SPORTS, treated their listening and call-in audience with respect. Now we are cursed with the likes of KGOW, hours and hours of "sports talk radio" with talk of anything BUT sports, and a bunch of Jim Rome wannabes like Josh Innes. I'll opt for Charlie Palillo, thanks...” END.
"I will say this about Josh Innes: Sports 610 finally has someone who does not place the Texans' jock strap across his face just because they are the home team. At least, he has the balls to go against the bias institutional favoritism that runs way too rampant at 610. Innes will only have a short stint here in vanillaHouston because of his acerbic ways, but I have to admit, he can be entertaining at times.” END.
"I will say this about Josh Innes: Sports 610 finally has someone who does not place the Texans' jock strap across his face just because they are the home team. At least, he has the balls to go against the bias institutional favoritism that runs way too rampant at 610. Innes will only have a short stint here in vanilla
“I've been an avid 610 listener for over a decade...I assure you I will not listen to Josh Anus in the afternoon. Enjoy Rich's (Lord) comments and I think Robert (Henslee) is an undervalued asset - respectful and knowledgeable and logical in a profession that sorely lacks all three. But if Anus goes to the afternoons, I'm going to Charlie Palillo.” END.
“Rich Lord is the most respected on-air personality in the city?” Give me a break. He is lazy and boring. Everybody who's ever worked with him hates him. Charlie Pallilo left him and now he works alone." END.
“Charley Palillo is abrasive, unlistenable by himself.” END.
“Regarding Rich Lord, maybe if we could figure out a way to partner cancer with Rich Lord, we could eradicate it as well. The guy sucks. I would hate to see what pics he has in his collection that have saved his job in this market. KILT is irrelevant. If not for the affiliation with the Rockets and the Texans they would have no need to exist.” END.
“If I want to feel better about myself and not listen to anything original or sports related then I'd go with Rich Lord. Henslee is undervalued and I actually wish he was staying on. I listen to 610 at 6 pm for 5 minutes. Then I turn back to Charlie (Pallilo). When the commercial comes up, I hit 1560 then back to Charlie when their commercial comes up. This is how most of the 25-35 year old audience does it. The extra stuff 610 does is awesome. I love it. I just wish there was less Rich Lord, which I assume there will be because it's just going to turn into Innes and Lord play-fighting back and forth trying to get their two cents in while the other one cuts him off. I think this was always 610's plan. I think it’s great for Innes, but working with Rich Lord will hurt him.” END.
“When oh when will KILT find someone worthy of sitting in the same studio with Rich Lord? Matt Jackson was in a "League of His Own" in the overbearing and obnoxious category, and -- silly me -- I thought there was hope when he moved over to 790. Then along came Josh Innes, who actually makes me miss Matt Jackson. Innes is like a sports encyclopedia with a lot of movie and TV trivia thrown in, and that's good, but he doesn't know when to shut up. I've lost count of the times I've tuned over to 790 because I got so tired of Innes's nonstop ranting.” END.
Last week, there was an announcement from one of Jennifer Sterger’s spokespersons that made me say, “WTF?” Ms. Sterger says she will not sue Brett Favre over the alleged photos she received of “Little #4” if the NFL disciplines him. She is not saying she will refrain from suing the NFL; she says she will not sue Brett Favre.
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This is Jenn. Text Me! |

1. When Peyton Hillis ran for 108 yards against the Bills Sunday (12/12), he became the first Caucasian running back in the NFL to gain 1000 yards in a season since Craig James did it in 1985.
2. During the Army/Navy game on Saturday (12/11), Gary Danielson was commenting on the fact that all three service academies will be playing in bowl games this year. The trivia question of the day had to do with the performance of service academies in bowl games and Army’s record is 2-2. Danielson noted that back when Army was a powerhouse in football, there were not many bowl games, as you could count the major bowls on one hand and your nose. Then he said that today if you have nice uniforms, you get invited to a bowl game. He is closer to right than he is to wrong on that one.
3. Fox Sports was looking to get the Minny Metrodome roof collapse on tape and was successful. It's good journalism, but the question is, "Why did they build a stadium with an inflatable teflon roof in Minnesota where heavy snow is likely to pile on top of it? The video of the Metrodome's roof caving in is one of the coolest pieces of sports-related footage that I've seen in a while. To actually get this on film is remarkable and it looks like Fox was ready for it.
2. During the Army/Navy game on Saturday (12/11), Gary Danielson was commenting on the fact that all three service academies will be playing in bowl games this year. The trivia question of the day had to do with the performance of service academies in bowl games and Army’s record is 2-2. Danielson noted that back when Army was a powerhouse in football, there were not many bowl games, as you could count the major bowls on one hand and your nose. Then he said that today if you have nice uniforms, you get invited to a bowl game. He is closer to right than he is to wrong on that one.
3. Fox Sports was looking to get the Minny Metrodome roof collapse on tape and was successful. It's good journalism, but the question is, "Why did they build a stadium with an inflatable teflon roof in Minnesota where heavy snow is likely to pile on top of it? The video of the Metrodome's roof caving in is one of the coolest pieces of sports-related footage that I've seen in a while. To actually get this on film is remarkable and it looks like Fox was ready for it.
4. The latest ESPN “30 for 30” (“Pony Excess”) on SMU getting the death penalty was fascinating and a must-see for college football fans. College “Sugar Daddy Programs” for athletes have been going on since the 1950’s and maybe even earlier and that includes Auburn in recent years. One thing “Pony Excess” did not touch on though was the fact that the booster (Sherwood Blount) who really killed SMU football was Craig James' agent. I lost my respect for Craig James.
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Sugar Daddy Program? |
5. Last weekend, they played a college ice hockey game at Michigan Stadium, aka "The Big House." Outdoor hockey games have become a fad in recent years; and as with every fad, there comes a time when you have to wonder why it continues. I have never been to Michigan Stadium, but Craig Shelton has and called it very impressive. It is a single level stadium with around 110,000 seats, which means if you're sitting in what is the end zone for a football game, you will not see a hockey puck without the use of a telescope or very high-powered binoculars. And if you can't see the freakin' puck, what the hell is the point of going to see a hockey game?
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