Date posted: 12-08-2010
We all have been listening to the radio and that one caller gets on the line and qualifies his "take" with "I'm a season ticket holder."
I am guessing this very phrase gives validity to the call. Hey, I ain't mad at you, if spending thousands of dollars annually on the Texans is your thing, then have it. I myself was once a season ticketholder for a couple of seasons before I woke up and realized that I was a damn fool blindly spending my disposable income on a GAMBLE. To be exact, I stopped after the first 8-8 season.
I am guessing this very phrase gives validity to the call. Hey, I ain't mad at you, if spending thousands of dollars annually on the Texans is your thing, then have it. I myself was once a season ticketholder for a couple of seasons before I woke up and realized that I was a damn fool blindly spending my disposable income on a GAMBLE. To be exact, I stopped after the first 8-8 season.

I decided to stop shelling out money for season tickets because it was fiscally more responsible to just buy the tickets individually (game by game). By purchasing the tickets individually, you have the luxury of picking and choosing what games are a must-see and you are not locked into obligating a Sunday with the Texans playing the Rams, Lions, or Bills. The downfall of not being a season ticket holder is priority for playoff tickets if they were to ever make it or the off-season activities, but in the long run, I think I am doing better. I have yet to miss a high-profile game and let's face it, the Texans have yet to make the playoffs.
As stated earlier, I have been hearing the sorrows of season ticket holders and I beg to wonder if this is the ultimate gamble. The season ticket fan is gambling that his team will be good and it hurts when you think about the money invested at the end. Of course, a lot of these people that claim to be season ticket holders are simply lying. I mean good grief, was the Reliant Dome built with like 200K seats. That's almost as worse as everyone in the 55-62 range who will tell you that they were at Woodstock.
There's also the social event element. If you fall under this criteria, I respect you, but I hate your guts at the same time. Just kidding, but there is a certain segment that comes out simply to party and have a good time. These are typically the people that will say "we will make it next year". "We will make it next year guy" is the reason the Texans are profiting off a mediocre product. Until "We will make it next year guys" stop feeling like they have to blindly follow the Texans, it may be a long time.
It's not my intention to make fans give up their season tickets. I am only saying what made sense for me economically and physically (anger). If you are going to continue to purchase the season tickets, you look really silly fussing about it when your team is not living up to your expectations.

It's almost like the worthless phrase you hear uttered during the political season "if you don't vote, don't complain". I call BS on that because I live under the creed, "As long as I pay taxes in America, I'm going to bitch". Season tickets are voluntary, Taxes are INVOLUNTARY.
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