For everyone that wants coaching/personnel changes, remember it has to be a solution that's comfortable for Bob McNair.

I admit, I am one of those people, therefore I sat back and tried to think of every possible scenario given the current climate. There are a couple of things at play here:
- Lockout
- Kubiak's Extension
- Bob's AGAPE for Gary
If the lockout happens, the media is telling us coaches will not have access to the team until late summer. Last year, Bob McNair extended Gary Kubiak in addition to giving him a raise. Logic says, you don't fire or replace someone you just gave a lot of money to. People need to remember not only did Kubiak receive an increase, but so did Kubiak's staff, so it's not as simple as firing Kubiak. Lastly, Bob just has an unconditional amount of love for Kubiak as stated throughout the year of his faith in him.

I am of the belief that you don't have to do things the way current climate dictates you do it. If we followed that rationale, we would still have Jim Crow. Sometimes you can buck the trend. This can be seen with the slow process of running quarterbacks in the NFL. We were always conditioned to think the quarterback position had to throw, but those rules were set by whom?
Demote Kubiak to offensive coordinator, bring in another head coach, allow that head coach to hire a defensive coordinator, elevate Rick Smith to a real General Manager instead of an over-glorified scout.
BOOM there you have it. Before some of you start whining and crying, telling me "a coach wants to bring his people" and "that doesn't make sense". Let's consider the team we are talking about here, THE TEXANS. Sometimes you have to get as creative as the Texans.
Bob is in on the hook with Gary in terms of contract and this idea preserves Gary as his true calling in the NFL, OFFENSIVE COORDINATOR! Your next complaint will be, it's unheard of to pay an offensive coordinator head-coach money. I think Jerry Jones would disagree with that. Retain Gary for one more season in a lesser capacity and either one of two things will happen. The offense will get even better or Gary will opt to quit thereby saving Bob money.
I know I still have my doubters, so let's take a trip down memory lane and look at the questionable personnel decisions.
- Drafting David Carr w/o a decent line to protect him
- Extending Andre Davis because he had a few big catches
- After the 7-9 season, not making any positive changes
- Extending David Carr
- Allowing Kubiak to hire Rick Smith
- Wasting currency on Ahman Green
- Not improving the roster after the 2009 season
- Drafting an alleged steroid user
- Not retaining Dunta Robinson
- Breaking the bank for Jacque Reeves (but I surely want him now)
I can literally go on and on with the list of buffoonery that has happened within the organization, but my one money shot that leads me to believe this team could proceed with my idea is:
Allowing a lame-duck fired General Manager to make a personnel move that would impact your organization for years to come. This is not about if Mario Williams is good or not; that's ludicrous. That goes against the natural order of thinking. It's almost like watching a cat chase a dog, a dog climbing a tree, or a fish swimming backwards.
To the Texans' credit, I have not heard anyone in that organization validate that Charlie Casserly made that pick, it's only a few in the local media and Charlie himself on national shows patting himself on the back everytime Mario has an explosive game. Charlie was essentially fired because of his personnel moves and you allow him to make a pivotal pick? If the Texans can allow that to happen they surely can entertain my idea. Hell, why not allow Coach Kubiak to pick the next head coach.
To the Texans' credit, I have not heard anyone in that organization validate that Charlie Casserly made that pick, it's only a few in the local media and Charlie himself on national shows patting himself on the back everytime Mario has an explosive game. Charlie was essentially fired because of his personnel moves and you allow him to make a pivotal pick? If the Texans can allow that to happen they surely can entertain my idea. Hell, why not allow Coach Kubiak to pick the next head coach.
And the party was a WILD ONE. I mean all of the 70s gang was in attendance for the SportsRadio 610 Roast of Bum Phillips including WADE PHILLIPS. All I have to say, Frank Bush, your black ass is grass. I can't read the stitches on the ball, but I happen to know a little about persuasive writing. On Friday (12/3), I listened to John McClain pretty much lay out how Wade (3-4) as defensive coordinator could work in Houston.
It was truly amazing to hear John break down the positions. Not only has the Wade talk peaked my interest, but the persuasive manner in which John goes out of his way to tell us how bad this defense is while innoculating the offense & Kubiak, as if the Texans offense is without fault.
I challenge you guys to listen and read John. The writing and talking is guided in a way as to retain Kubiak and fire Bush. Meanwhile, I am asking myself, did Kubiak hire Frank as well as the other defensive coordinator he fired. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if Wade Phillips is on this team next year and I am not saying it's a bad thing, but it's totally bush league to pin all of this on Frank.
John McClain, let's evaluate your assertion of Matt Schaub performing better when the pressure is on him:
Knee balls to Andre Johnson
Continously underthrowing Johnson
Skip balls to Kevin Walter
Screen interceptions
Holding the ball too long and getting sacked
Pick 6
Pick 6
All I am asking is, what makes "The General" come to the conclusion that Schaub is clutch and likes the pressure. A more realistic statement is: "Matt Schaub is not having a 2009 season."
Lamont Mann
Blog Link: www.houstonmediawatch.com
Email: houstonmediawatch@yahoo.com
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Lamont Mann
Blog Link: www.houstonmediawatch.com
Email: houstonmediawatch@yahoo.com
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