Wednesday, April 20, 2011



Over the years, I am become an observer of people.  It's simply amazing how people tend to selectively become socially conscious.  Could this be a situation when the situation does not pass your social thresh-hold.  Since I am not a media "Big Whigs", I will not lie and tell you "I been following the Barry Bonds case for the last 8 years". Honestly, I forgot Barry was even in trouble until the trial.  Of course I followed the popular line "they are spending way too much money on Barry, they shouldn't be in MLB".  

I still do not like the amount of money expended to prosecute but I had to take a step back and really ask myself, what makes Barry any different than you and I.  Newsflash people, they only expended the amount of money because it takes money to prosecute money.  Are we basically saying as a people, a person with wealth should be let off the hook but Joe Blow without the financial means to secure a good attorney " Oh Well" but that's not even my gripe.

We conveniently seem to lose common sense when it comes to celebrities.  With that being said, when the government begin letting everyone else off the hook, that's when I will jump back on the popular line.  I am sure I can find at least 100 cases similar to Barry Bonds in America and that's only on the federal level but do we hear the outcry?


Why you are hypocrite. Currently I don't see anyone complaining about government dollars being spent for the NFL Lockout.  You see what I mean?  People have conveniently forgot that there is more than likely a federal judge, clerk, bailiff, court reporter and a slew of other experts involved.  All of this equates to your tax dollars spent that you so cherish with Barry.  Sometimes you have to step back and analyze what people really say and mean.  Is a judge overseeing the NFL Lockout cool because it satisfies our need to get the NFL back on the right track?  Come on now, I want to hear someone scream, "they shouldn't be in NFL", but no one will because it benefit us.  


Since Barry Bonds' verdict, I have decided to check myself before I fly off half cocked regarding what's right or wrong.  LMAO, the only way I will hear anyone screaming is if the judge were to come out and say "fine, keep acting like kids, no football in 2011".  

So in an effort to no longer be a hypocrite, I  am screaming for the government to get out of the NFL.


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